Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Patrick's Day - Dinner at Blue Star

Maili and Meg.... together again, but for a St. Patty's mini-dinner and dessert fest. Ummmm, Maili, you are sooo not wearing green.

MEG! Girl... I am sooooooooooo going to borrow that necklace. LOVE IT!

St. Patrick's Day - Afternoon Delight!

Well... I would have had pictures of the parade downtown, but I forgot my memory card for the camera; it was in my computer at home. Sooooo.... there will be no pics of the bag pipers, our lunch with Meg and Joey at Phantom Canyon Brewery... nothin'! You won't see any of that! Sorry.... but you can see Jeff, Maili and I just chilling after that lunch. We sat and talked, sipped 3 cups of coffee and relaxed.... it was wonderful. Ahhhhhh!
Jeff relaxing.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Maili painting her nails.... which she promptly removed and chose to use a more clear coat.

Jeff on the computer.... and Maili warming herself by the fire - while striking a pose! LOL She is a nut! See.... she knows we have hot male cyclist looking at our blog! She is working it. LOL Before the race season starts.... mmmm-hmmmmm! Work it girl.