Saturday, June 24, 2006

Lordy, Lordy - Jeff is 40!!!

It was a surprise party for Jeff, can you tell by his face? Keeping this under wraps was almost impossible. It was done up Las Vegas style with tons of food, drinks and gambling. We had folks promise to strip but... as you will see, none of that was going on. Next time... hehee.
We have the Taylor clan, Jeff's cousins, all gathered around this table in a serious game of Texas Holdem. I can see my sister Holly just towards the upper left of the photo in her white pants and me towards the upper right of the photo in black - holding the tourch used to light the zillion candles on Jeff's cake. Derek's butt is facing dead center in the photo - nice butt D!

Rachel, Bevan, Dewey and I stand around Jeff as he opens his gifts. Ya know, I swear he looks like he is making kissy faces at the camera. He must be lovin' the goods! Or turning 40 is making him senile. Hmmmm? Okay, and what is up with those "Storm-X-Men" eyes of mine? Funny thing is... the power did go out that night at the party for a good hour due to severe thunder storms. That's right, don't mess with me, I mean business.

Bill and Lisa with the birthday boy. Bill is one of Jeff's cycling buddies and Lisa is the coolest feed zone chick in the world to hang out with. Can't wait to have more parties with these guys.

You've got to know when to Holdem', know when to Foldem'..... Mike and Jeff look so serious here. The funniest thing about this game is that Hiroko, Mikes woman, is sitting to his right and is the one with ALL of the chips. These boys didn't have a chance. Stick to what you know guys.... IT stuff and buying us pretty gifts, lots of pretty gifts.

Jeff blowing out his zillion candles. Bless his heart, it took him 3 good blows.

Jeff had to take a breather after that candle business. I must say, he sure looks adorable in this photo. Yummy... I will take a slice of that for dessert.
Okay, like I said, Hiroko does not play. My neice Tiffany, Jeff's brother Mark, and my nephew Mathew work as a team to get their money back. Lara's face says it all, don't think Hiroko is giving any of it back... you go girl!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

VERY PROUD - Decorated the Den all by Myself!!!

Let me begin by explaining that I am NOT a decorator. Jeff kept begging me to hire someone or bring in one of our Mo friends for help. He wanted our cottage style home to feel cozy. So I started with painting the downstairs and this is my first completed room (or close to it).
Finally... I found something other than candles to put in the holders. How about these fuzzy balls? Hehee. I am still looking for something long and slender to put below the mirror. Hmmmm?
I still need to replace the tile in the fireplace. Slate is my plan; but when?

Need to figure out what to do with this window spread here. Time to call in my mother... she is a real interior decorator. I tried to do this on my own. She can be my icing on the cake. :)

Bevan hung these iron pictures for me. I was thinking side by side and he said no, stagger them. Of course it worked out for the best. I like how it weights the room properly.

No, the tree is not real. Paaah-leeeeeez! If anyone knows me... hehee. I am liking the stacked books, which are also not real. They are storage boxes that look like books. The photo is of Jeff and I racing Vespa's - also fake... they were props at Universal. Hehee.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fat Tire Festival in Helen, GA June 18th

Now, finally, a town where there is something to do other than to pick up a load of ticks in your hair. Here we are at the Start for the Mens/30-39/Sport. You can see Ladd in the sleeveless jersey in #748. Everyone who is anyone is at this race and there was some serious competition in this group. Good Luck Ladd!!!

There goes Jeff with his group Mens/Sport/40-49. Just 2 long laps to go.... see you in about 2 hours.

Here is Jeff's friend Caesar. He is in the Mens/Sport/20-29 and is like a speed demon on the bike.

Ladd is around after lap #1. I had counted only 9 riders in his group ahead of him; about 45 seconds behind the next rider.

Here comes Jeff after Lap #1. He is looking strong, just needs a little refresher.

Here comes Ladd.... another Top 10 finish for him.

Here comes Jeff. Yippie! Good job on your finish... Helen is a tough course.

By the look on Jeff's face, I would say he is glad it is all over!!! Hehee.

Hey.... here is Bill. He was only 6o seconds behind Jeff. What a close finish!!! Good Job Bill.