Sooooo.... the morning after the GNO, and I mean at like 6AM, my car was thug-a-fied. I woke up to what I thought was a bear or some cageless beast roaming downtown for some grub... as I heard trash can after trash can being tipped over in the alley ways of our townhomes. I got up and looked outside and it was these 2 drunk guys. I yelled out... said a few choice words... got a nice gun threat tossed back at me... called the police. By the time the police arrived, like 5 mins later, "Someone's Car" had been damaged. The police pulled up during the rock bashing. Best part was.... it was MINE and they didn't even know it was mine. I just failed to park it in the garage after dropping off Marissa. This is the car... after the sun came up.