My Right Knee my Meniscus was repaired and I showed 2nd degree tears in my ACL and MCL, but during surgery, Dr. Millett thought the tears would heal just fine on their own – protected, in braces, over the next 8-10 weeks.
To learn more about the Knee visit http://www.kneeguru.com/
Now, this is not the best photo of my Left Knee.... it is still about the size of a grapefruit and you can see the "weave patterns" from the lovely TEDS anti-embolism stockings. The top of the leg you see here in this photo is what should look like a knee cap and it will in about 2-3 more weeks of physical therapy.
Just below the knee cap are two small “slits” about the size of a felt pen when it hits paper.
Just below them is the actual “entry” incision which is only about ¾” in length.
Dr. Millett was VERY proud of that size; most doctors, even with the technology today still leave you with close to 2”. He made it clear that he had done a great job and I AGREE!!!!
It will be a FULL 6 months of recovery; 4 months of it spent in physical therapy. I WILL be skiing next season and plan to be back on the road cycling by July 2007.