Friday, December 01, 2006


Here is my GENIUS surgeon, Dr. Peter Millett of the Steadman Hawkins Clinic. If you are having any knee, shoulder, hip, back, ankle, elbow, etc. problems, you need to look him up!

Here is a medical model of the knee and its bones and ligaments;
this particular model represents The Right Knee.
This one has the Patella Ligament in place, which is located over your knee cap.

We have flapped the Patella down towards the shin. (You can see the knee cap attached to the Patella). With this pulled down you can see the bone and ligaments which you use for lateral (side to side) movement. Most injuries to these ligaments, such as the ACL and PCL occur in sports like Basketball, Football, and Soccer.
Here is a close up! In my Left Knee the ACL was completely replaced. The PCL was sprained, I had a tear in my MCL and my Meniscus was repaired.

My Right Knee my Meniscus was repaired and I showed 2nd degree tears in my ACL and MCL, but during surgery, Dr. Millett thought the tears would heal just fine on their own – protected, in braces, over the next 8-10 weeks.

To learn more about the Knee visit

Now, this is not the best photo of my Left Knee.... it is still about the size of a grapefruit and you can see the "weave patterns" from the lovely TEDS anti-embolism stockings. The top of the leg you see here in this photo is what should look like a knee cap and it will in about 2-3 more weeks of physical therapy.

Just below the knee cap are two small “slits” about the size of a felt pen when it hits paper.

Just below them is the actual “entry” incision which is only about ¾” in length.

Dr. Millett was VERY proud of that size; most doctors, even with the technology today still leave you with close to 2”. He made it clear that he had done a great job and I AGREE!!!!

It will be a FULL 6 months of recovery; 4 months of it spent in physical therapy. I WILL be skiing next season and plan to be back on the road cycling by July 2007.