This is the 3rd Floor and the “ENTRY” to the Steadman Hawkins Clinic. It is like going down that long hall in The Wizard of Oz just to see the all powerful Oz. Well, walking down this long hall, crippled on crutches mind you, you notice the hundreds of PRO athletes that they have “repaired”. Framed, signed jerseys, gloves and posters to entertain the long, long, long, walk. I mean seriously folks - we are injured, isn't there a door a little closer????

Yeppers, even Rod Stewart the rock star plays "Football" in the UK. His knee was worked on November 24th, 2005.... a little over a year ago!
I would have posted others but sadly I do not know anything or anyone in sports. Hehee.

Oh yeah, these things are oh, so lovely. Notice those thigh-high TEDS anti-embolism hose that I have to wear. They are SEXY!!! The best part is where the toes are, there is this giant hole – to check for circulation. You and I both know when a hole is in the toe, they have got to go! That drives you crazy!!!!
Oh, you can see my bandages underneath those hose.