Now, finally, a town where there is something to do other than to pick up a load of ticks in your hair. Here we are at the Start for the Mens/30-39/Sport. You can see Ladd in the sleeveless jersey in #748. Everyone who is anyone is at this race and there was some serious competition in this group. Good Luck Ladd!!!
There goes Jeff with his group Mens/Sport/40-49. Just 2 long laps to go.... see you in about 2 hours.
Here is Jeff's friend Caesar. He is in the Mens/Sport/20-29 and is like a speed demon on the bike.
Ladd is around after lap #1. I had counted only 9 riders in his group ahead of him; about 45 seconds behind the next rider.
Here comes Jeff after Lap #1. He is looking strong, just needs a little refresher.