Let me begin by explaining that I am NOT a decorator. Jeff kept begging me to hire someone or bring in one of our Mo friends for help. He wanted our cottage style home to feel cozy. So I started with painting the downstairs and this is my first completed room (or close to it).
Finally... I found something other than candles to put in the holders. How about these fuzzy balls? Hehee. I am still looking for something long and slender to put below the mirror. Hmmmm?
I still need to replace the tile in the fireplace. Slate is my plan; but when?
Need to figure out what to do with this window spread here. Time to call in my mother... she is a real interior decorator. I tried to do this on my own. She can be my icing on the cake. :)
Bevan hung these iron pictures for me. I was thinking side by side and he said no, stagger them. Of course it worked out for the best. I like how it weights the room properly.
No, the tree is not real. Paaah-leeeeeez! If anyone knows me... hehee. I am liking the stacked books, which are also not real. They are storage boxes that look like books. The photo is of Jeff and I racing Vespa's - also fake... they were props at Universal. Hehee.