Finally... I found something other than candles to put in the holders. How about these fuzzy balls? Hehee. I am still looking for something long and slender to put below the mirror. Hmmmm?

Need to figure out what to do with this window spread here. Time to call in my mother... she is a real interior decorator. I tried to do this on my own. She can be my icing on the cake. :)
Bevan hung these iron pictures for me. I was thinking side by side and he said no, stagger them. Of course it worked out for the best. I like how it weights the room properly.
No, the tree is not real. Paaah-leeeeeez! If anyone knows me... hehee. I am liking the stacked books, which are also not real. They are storage boxes that look like books. The photo is of Jeff and I racing Vespa's - also fake... they were props at Universal. Hehee.