Rachel, Bevan, Dewey and I stand around Jeff as he opens his gifts. Ya know, I swear he looks like he is making kissy faces at the camera. He must be lovin' the goods! Or turning 40 is making him senile. Hmmmm? Okay, and what is up with those "Storm-X-Men" eyes of mine? Funny thing is... the power did go out that night at the party for a good hour due to severe thunder storms. That's right, don't mess with me, I mean business.

You've got to know when to Holdem', know when to Foldem'..... Mike and Jeff look so serious here. The funniest thing about this game is that Hiroko, Mikes woman, is sitting to his right and is the one with ALL of the chips. These boys didn't have a chance. Stick to what you know guys.... IT stuff and buying us pretty gifts, lots of pretty gifts.